Physical and Health Education in BC

Supporting and advocating for PHE teachers and our field in British Columbia


Why we do what we do

To support teachers in their professional growth and development so that we can enrich the field of physical and health education for teachers and students in British Columbia.

Facilitate and promote professional learning experiences to support teacher growth


Collaborate with stakeholders to support the field of PHE and promote appropriate practices

Explore and promote resources, events, and other experiences to support teachers and our PHE field

Facilitate and promote opportunities for teachers to connect with each other and explore a range of PHE topics


An overview of upcoming events to support PHE teachers in their practice, growth, and professional development. More information can be found under the “Events” tab at the top of the page.

Teach Food First- The Power of Language to Shape Children’s Mental Health Through Food and Nutrition, Tues. March 04, 7-8 pm PST

Did you know that how we teach and talk to children about food and nutrition can have a significant and lasting impact on their mental health and eating behaviours? This presentation will look at some past approaches for teaching and talking about food and nutrition and why we are shifting to a strength based, trauma informed, equity centered and culturally inclusive approach. We will explore the “Teach Food First” toolkit (developed by the Ministry of Health and BCCDC), which is designed to equip K-8 educators with tools and resources to support a food exploration approach to learning about food, nutrition and Canada’s Food Guide. You will walk away from this presentation with best practice approaches that help children learn about food, and have positive relationships with both food and their bodies.

Assessing, Grading, and Communicating Student Learning in PHE

This learning series is designed to support K-12 teachers in their efforts to teach, assess, grade, and communicate student learning in their PHE class. Each webinar will focus on one theme and will provide practical approaches/practices for teachers to use. 

LEARNING SERIES #4: Using the Proficiency Scale at the Class Level

This is the 4th of 5 webinars in the learning series focusing on assessing, grading, and communicating student learning in PHE. In this session, we will clarify what a proficiency scale is, explore how it can be effectively used in the classroom to inform teaching and learning, and how to effectively use the proficiency scale for summative assessment purposes. 


Are you a pre-service teacher? An early career teacher? A TTOC?

We are happy to launch a new way to help our soon-to-be teachers, our early career teachers, and those teaching in TTOC roles. This program is devoted to those in any of these 3 roles to help them as they enter into the teaching field here in BC. 

We know teaching can be an exciting and fulfilling experience, yet it can also be exhausting, overwhelming, and confusing. We are here to support you, connect you with others, and help learn with and from each other. 

For more information, please visit and bookmark the PHE TEACHER ROOTS page. 


Who is on our team?

An overview of who sits at the table of our team, the roles we serve, and the range of experiences we bring to PHE BC. 

The positions within PHE BC are volunteer roles and individuals are elected by members (BCTF members) at the annual AGM meeting as laid out in our constitution.  


Become a PHE BC member . Information about the different types of memberships, benefits, and how to join. 

Connect with us

Ways to contact us, follow us on social media, and subscribe to our newsletter. 

PHE BC is a provincial specialist association of the British Columbia Teachers Federation.